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3-3 Takirihime

1: Tensions Rise#

Yukina: They've each been adjusted thoroughly. These are now your loyal soldiers, Princess. Please use them as you see fit.
Tagitsuhime: ......
Yukina: On that note, President Souraku. Not all the pawns set to be her soldiers are here, because you let one slip out from under your nose. How disgraceful.
Yukina: If only you had restrained them sooner. This only happened thanks to all the time you wasted.
Yuzuki: ............
Yukina: And you too, Yomi. Just how useless are you going to be?
Yomi: ............
Yukina: Hmph! Well, it hardly matters. A rat running loose won't do anything to upset our superiority.
Yuzuki: Yukina...
Yomi: Steady yourself, President Souraku. It's too late to stop now.
Yuzuki: ...You're right. Yes, I can't stop this. In which case...
Sana: An imperial guard formed to protect Tagitsuhime. And "Myouga toji", strengthened with noro...
Sana: It looks like a confrontation with both President Takatsu and Souraku is inevitable at this point.
Mihono: Why are people fighting against each other...?
Mirja: I couldn't help but notice, I don't see Yamashiro Yui or Suzumoto Hana anywhere. Where are they?
Chie: ...You're the only one who's come back.
Mirja: I was... The only one?
Kiyoka: Ah, but you know, they could still be on their way here right now.
Mihono: Yeah, that's right! Or maybe they found a place to hide somewhere!
Kofuki: Those two aren't gonna get taken down so easy. How many rough spots do you think we've gotten out of so far?
Mirja: Yes, that's true...
Sana: That imperial guard of theirs is going to give us trouble in a fight. Powered up on noro, they'd be too much for our toji stationed at the Ministry of Defense.
Sana: We have to avoid the worst case scenario at all costs. I'm sending you four to help protect Takirihime as soon as possible. Kitora, you go back to the infirmary and rest.
Mirja: I'm joining them as well.
Sana: I admit, your injuries weren't as bad as they looked, but still...
Mirja: I am fine. There's no reason to keep me here.
Sana: Listen...
Kofuki: If Mirja said she's good to go, then that's all there is to it.
Mihono: Mmhm, I was shocked before, but Mirja-san wouldn't say she'd do something she couldn't. Of course I'm still worried, but I know she'll be fine.
Sana: Are you serious about this?
Chie: We've been fighting together for long enough. If Mirja-san says she can handle this, I'll trust her.
Kiyoka: Me too.
Sana: And now you're all ganging up on me... Sigh~~... Have it your way. I'll approve of you going with them. But make sure you don't overdo it, okay?
Mirja: ...Thank you, all of you.

2: An Audience with a Goddess (1)#

At the same time, in the Ministry of Defense's Ichigaya garrison--

Akane: I must ask you once more. Will you lend us your strength, Takirihime?
Akane: If you agree to join forces with us against Tagitsuhime, that would bring us one step closer to your wish of humans and aradama coexisting.
Takirihime: Insolence.
Takirihime: What I demand from you humans is your servitude, not to fight as your equal.
Takirihime: Submit Ichikishimahime to me. Do so, and I will allow you to live under my protection.
Akane: Please wait. Is that what you meant by "coexisting"?
Takirihime: Naturally. The immature species known as humans are no different from insects and beasts. I shall guide them on a better path, toward true coexistence.
Hiyori: ...That's enough, Akane-sama.
Hiyori: There's no doubt about it now. This is just another aradama, like Tagitsuhime. There's no chance of us coexisting.
Kanami: ............
Kanami: ...Um, Takirihime-san? Will you have a sword fight with me?
Hiyori: Wha...! Kanami! This isn't the time for...
Takirihime: Oh...? What are your intentions, Chidori?
Kanami: This whole time, you haven't even looked at us once. That's why we aren't able to make any progress together.
Kanami: That's why... Um... I just thought that, if we get a good look at each other, humans and aradama would be able to understand each other better, is all...
Hiyori: And you think meeting face to face with your okatana is the simplest way to do that?
Kanami: Yeah...
Takirihime: Hmph. A ridiculous proposal. Enough... Leave.
At the same time, near the Ichigaya garrison--

Chie: We're almost to the Ministry of Defense.
Kiyoka: You're sweating so much, Mirja-san... Are you really okay?
Mirja: It's not a problem. The painkillers have worn off is all.
Kofuki: You know, you're the one who's always saying to keep it in check. Just look at yourself.
Mirja: There is not going to be a problem. If anything, now that they've worn off, the pain will keep me alert.
Kofuki: How stubborn can you be!?
Mihono: Aradama!? And this many of them too...
Chie: It would be hard getting around them all. We'll have to fight our way through.
Kofuki: Just have to blitz 'em down!

3: An Audience with a Goddess (2)#

Chie: Why does this have to happen when we're in a hurry...
Mirja: I imagine that's why they're here, to slow us down by creating a disturbance.
Kofuki: Which means... Takirihime's in trouble, isn't she?
Kiyoka: All the more reason for us to hurry!
Mihono: Just hold on until I get there, Kanami!

4: Takirihime and Nene (1)#

Several minutes after Origami Akane's audience with Takirihime--

Takirihime: A good look... To understand...............?
Takirihime: ...You may show yourself.
Nene: Ne-!
Takirihime: Aradama... No, what was once an aradama, but lost its necessary impurity. An aradama, yet not. What are you?
Nene: Ne...? Ne! Nene-!
Takirihime: What do you want with my chest?
Nene: Ne-ne-...
Takirihime: While you may not be impure, why do humans leave you be?
Nene: Ne?
Takirihime: You too were birthed from the same human ignorance and foolishness. Yet, why do you lack that impurity?
Takirihime: Let me glance through your memories.
Nene: Nene-!
Long ago, 400 years prior. In the Mashiko's village--

Mashiko Toji: You've really gone and wrecked the place.
Takirihime: (A toji of this time...)
Mashiko Toji: Don't go causing all this trouble on Mashiko territory, you damn aradama! TORYAAAAAA!
Nene: GUOOOUU--!
Mashiko Toji: Aradama always make things difficult. If you want to go on a rampage, I'll be your opponent.
Mashiko Toji: ...So let's go again sometime!
Nene: Ne...?
Takirihime: (This person... These people, they erased it?)
Takirihime: (The impurity within you... After such a great span of time...)
Nene: Ne-!
Takirihime: The impurity of noro... It should be impossible to cleanse. But humans managed to do so.
Takirihime: As a species, they are imperfect, with such short lives. But through such a simple method, through living alongside them for so long...
Takirihime: Is such a thing possible? Such a miraculous outcome...
Nene: Ne?
Takirihime: "If we get a good look at each other, humans and aradama would be able to understand each other better"...?
Mai: Yes... Yes... Understood!
Ellen: Maimai, was that Sana-sensei on the phone?
Hiyori: What happened?
Mai: A large number of aradama have appeared around Ichigaya, and are indiscriminately attacking civilians!
Kaoru: Seriously!? What're we going to do?
Hiyori: What else, we can't just ignore them!
Sayaka: But, our mission is to...
Hiyori: Protect Takirihime, I know. But...
Maki: Don't get flustered.
Suzuka: That's right. This is nothing more than an obvious diversion.
Ellen: Still...!
Suzuka: Maki-san and I will go deal with these aradama.
Maki: An old friend of ours should be coming.
Kaoru: .........It's annoying, but the elite guard is better than nothing I guess.
Ellen: It's reassuring having them on our side!
Mai: But, if the aradama attack is a diversion, then their true target is... Everyone, get the S equipment ready! As soon as possible!
Hiyori: Where did Kanami run off to, now that things are getting serious...
Just then, inside the Ministry of Defense Facility--

Nene: Ne-, nene-!
Kanami: Nene-chan, where are you going? Oh, this is...
Kanami: !?
Takirihime: ...Will you not draw?
Kanami: .........?
Takirihime: Did you not say you wanted to fight with me?
Kanami: ...Okay! Then, I won't hold back!
Kanami: Haaah, hya-!
Takirihime: .........
Kanami: Kh...! Hup, hya!!
Kanami: Th-Thank you very much! I feel like I can really see you now!
Takirihime: ...I have been here from the beginning.
Kanami: I-I don't mean it like that! Uhh, it's like... I get the feeling you're like a giant ocean, or something...
Takirihime: ...Ocean?
Kanami: It's big and vast and seems like it could accept anything... You know, like humans and aradama... Ahaha, I can't really explain it right, though.
Takirihime: ............Hm.
Nene: Nene!
Kanami: S-So...! How did you see my sword... How do you see me?
Takirihime: Chidori girl. I see, you are...
At the same time, on the grounds of the Ministry of Defense--

Kaoru: These damn aradama, they're showing up here now too!

5: Takirihime and Nene (2)#

Kaoru: Phew~, is it over?
Kanami: Everyone-!
Hiyori: You're late, Kanami!
Kanami: Sorry! But, what's... Eh!? What's that sound?
Kanami: A helicopter? But, for some reason... Something's off...
Ellen: Something's dropping down.
Sayaka: People...?
Mai: So, this is their real attack...

6: Myouga Toji (1)#

Kaoru: What the hell, what is it this time...!?
Mai: These are Ayanokouji toji!? Then, Tagitsuhime's behind this after all?
Ayumu: Ah, Etou-san! It's the real Etou-san!
Kanami: Huh-!? A-Ayumu-chan!?
Kanami: Why are... Why are you doing this, Ayumu-chan...!?
Hiyori: Are you all aware of what you're doing?
Ellen: It's no use, Hiyoyon! These girls won't listen to a word we say!
Ayumu: I've gotten stronger, Etou-san! See, like this!
Kanami: Where did, this strength come from? Even with Storm Armor...
Ayumu: Please watch this. I can do that move you showed me now, Etou-san!
Kanami: Gh...! Ayumu-chan... Hey, why are you...?
Ayumu: So keep looking! I can show you more and more, Etou-san!

7: Myouga Toji (2)#

Hiyori: What's wrong with them!?
Ellen: President Souraku's gone and done the unthinkable too.
Sayaka: There's something I don't like about this...
Mai: Everyone, do something to push them back! Just beyond here is...!
Kaoru: I know, but... Come on!
Meanwhile, under the great torii gate on the grounds of the Ministry of Defense--

Toji B: Wh... Who are you... She's too much... Ugh...
Tagitsuhime: ......I've kept you waiting, Takirihime.

8: The Nightmare Resumes (1)#

At the same time, Roughly 2 kilometers away from the Ministry of Defense--

Mihono: Hyaa!
Aradama: GYAAAuuuu!
Mihono: Pant, pant... Was that the last one?
Kiyoka: I'm worn out... I think I might be too tired by the time we get to the Ministry of Defense.
Chie: With all these obstacles getting in our way, I'm beginning to think we might not even make it there in time.
Mirja: With their persistence... They must strongly want for us not to reach the Ministry of Defense.
Kofuki: It's starting to get on my nerves. Just let us through already!
Mihono: Huh? Fukki, I thought you'd be happy, getting to fight all these aradama.
Kofuki: Tagitsuhime might be waiting on the other side. Doesn't that sound way more exciting than fighting these nobodies!
Mihono: Ahh, that explains it. You never change, Fukki.
Kiyoka: But, without Namu Yakushi Kagemitsu, I thought we couldn't defeat Tagitsuhime?
Kofuki: If we beat on her enough, she'll go running home. That's enough for now, right?
Mirja: True, with our objective being to guard, if Tagitsuhime were to retreat, the mission could then be considered a success.
Kofuki: See? I've been thinking this through.
Mihono: Fukki actually used her head!?
Kiyoka: She just wants to play with Tagitsuhime though...
Kofuki: Oiii. You two, meet me behind the gym later.
Chie: Ah-!! Everyone, look over there...! In the direction of the Ministry of Defense...
Mirja: There's a fire... It seems it's already begun.
Mihono: We have to do something! There's no time to waste!
Kofuki: Before that, looks like some other group came to get us.
Imperial Guard: We won't let you past here.
Kofuki: Huh? What's your deal?
Kiyoka: They're Ayanokouji toji?
Mirja: Is this... The imperial guard? Please wait, all of you are--
Imperial Guard: We have no time to waste talking. All members, deal with them!
Mirja: ...It pains me, but it seems we have no choice.

9: The Nightmare Resumes (2)#

Chie: Pant, pant... For them to be this tough... This is the power of noro...
Mirja: I would like for us to stop and recover here, but given the situation, we can't afford to. Let's head to the Ministry of Defense without delay.
???: Ehh~? We came all this way to see you, so don't go saying something mean like you're gonna leave us here~.
???: Though of course, we aren't about to let you go anyway.
Mirja: No... You're... Yamashiro Yui... Suzumoto Hana...
Yui: After all, this is my big chance to show off what I can do!
Hana: That's how it is. Everyone, prepare yourselves.
Mirja: Kh... Why... Why...?
Mihono: Ahh, you finally made it! You're late, you two! But, thank goodness... You made it back okay! You had us worried!
Kofuki: Stop, Mihocchi! Don't go near them!
Mihono: What do you mean, Fukki? And why'd you pull your okatana out?
Kofuki: Come on, don't give me that! Don't you get what happened!?
Kiyoka: Then... This... This can't be happening...
Chie: ...I don't want to believe it, but this is the reality we have to face. President Souraku... This is too cruel.
Mihono: Eh... Guys, what are you saying? I-It's Yui and Hana! They came back!
Kofuki: They aren't our friends anymore. No friend of ours would come looking ready to fight like that! Mihocchi, get it through your head already!
Mihono: You're wrong!!
Mihono: Come on, you two... Stop kidding around already, okay? Please... Just stop it!!
Yui: Don't go looking so sad. You'll spoil that cute face of yours, you know? Like this~, smile, smile~!
Hana: I can't think of anyone better to test this newfound strength of ours on. Luck is on our side.
Mihono: Yui...? Hana...?
Mirja: Gh... If I knew this would happen... I would have... I should have...!!
Other: And Yomi...?
Suzuka: President Takatsu... So she's taken that side after all.
Maki: Right...
Maki: ......
Suzuka: Are you wondering about Yomi-san?
Maki: If that's what President Takatsu chose to do, then Yomi must be following her orders.
Suzuka: It seems that way... If the situation arises, we need to be ready to fight her.
Maki: Maybe a good thing Yume's still recovering. Even against Yomi, I doubt she'd hold anything back.
Suzuka: I wouldn't be so sure about that. Even Yume has things she's mindful of.
Maki: ...I hope you're right.